Sunday, August 23, 2009

The King of Sandwiches

The BLT is the epitome of a summer sangwich. The fresh tomatos and crisp lettuce can be sourced just about anywhere. Bacon is unreal, as noted in a previous post, and should probably accompany any self respecting sandwich. Combine these articles under the roof of one piece toasted bread, and baby you gotta stew.

My BLT experimentation over the past week resulted in 2 iterations with the first post here and the second having been crowned the undisputed champion. Why undisputed? Well, first off, more bacon went into the second sandwich. The first sandwich had too much tomato, and although the tomato was dank, the bacon was actually lost amidst the excessive juicyness and green crunch provided by the tomato-lettuce one-two punch. I also used too much mayonaisse, a cardinal sin of any competent sandwich maker. You can see the top of the mayonaisse bottle peeking ominously over this outsized sandwich.

Second sandwich had the lions share of the bacon (the dank pepper bacon from Eastern Market) and the addition of avocado, which has been proven to improve anything to which it is added. This sandwich was pretty unbeatable, and perhaps the only thing that could have improved it would have been some tastier bread.

Y'all be warned: step up your sandwich game or prepare to get STOMPED.

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