Monday, May 16, 2011

Blood Orange Sorbet and Candied Orange Peel

I picked up a brand new Cuisinart ice cream at a thrift store a couple months back.  So when I saw a pile of beautiful blood oranges a few weeks ago, I immediately thought sorbet.

After a quick search, I settled on a recipe from David Lebovitz which consists of two ingredients: fresh blood orange juice and sugar.  I also added a splash of sake.  A little alcohol helps soften homemade sorbet/ice cream since it doesn't freeze.  Here's the finished sorbet:
Not as deep red as his, but what can you do?

Following his advice, I also saved the peels and candied them.  They taste like less bitter, more sweet orange peel.  Go figure.

Sourdough Chocolate Chip Pancakes and Grilled Cheese

A good bagel and lox is the best breakfast/brunch there is.  But when I'm in the mood for another kind of decadence, chocolate chip pancakes and grilled cheese can't be topped.

In this example, the grilled cheese was made with homemade sourdough bread and the pancake batter was made with a base of extra sourdough starter.  Sourdough starter is great for making pancakes, crepes, muffins, banana bread and probably all kinds of other things.