How dank does that look? A few early season apples on the left, four boxes of incredible raspberries dead center, stone fruit (read: peaches and nectarines) surrounding the berry bounty, all flanked by 5 enourmous heirlooms.
And the cost, for this? $15. Hitting up the farmers market at the end of the day turned out to be the best food related decision of my life. As I'm loitering, trying to stuff my face with as many peach/tomato samples as possible, homeboy at the stall starts exhorting me: everything $1.
My first thoughts were muddled. Was it possible? Usually heirlooms are $3.50 a pound, raspberries the same, and peaches a bit less. This sudden announcement sent me into a buying frenzy and then instant panic as to how I could possibly haul this fragile fruit and vegetable jewels back to my place, a 2 metro ride, 9 stop away affair.
With great care, I managed to destroy only one tomato. And I was rewarded. All last week I feasted on this bounty in a mostly unadulterated form. Raspberries for breakfast, peaches at lunch, tomatoes garnishing every component of dinner. Twas a magical time in a magical place.
Alas, seeking similar produce related bargains, I returned to the same stall this afternoon, hoping against hope that a fruit fire sale was at hand. Alack, the past was not to repeat itself. Normal prices for produce sent my heart sinking and my soul longing for that sublime moment in time when the world stopped and summer produce was $1.
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