While biking home from work yesterday, I noticed some green birds hopping around in a couple trees eating hard, orange-red berries. I have never seen anything like them in the US - before I noticed that there were 5-6 of them, I thought the first might be a petstore fugitive.
This is a pretty poor quality cellphone picture, but hopefully you can get a sense of what they look like. They have a strong, curved beak and were all green, with no distinctive markings to speak of.
As I said, there were a number of birds in these two trees, and they were going at the berries pretty enthusiastically. Naturally, they were making some clacking noise, etc. But while I was trying to get some pictures of them I kept hearing a louder, sort of gobbly racket coming from the ground on the other side of the fence. (This was on the perimeter of a hospital parking lot).
I figured it was just a few of the green birds doing their thing on the ground, but when I went around to get a better position to photograph them, lo and behold, there was a turkey-like bird hopping around. He wasn't too flighty, although he did retreat from my advance when I got closer than eight feet or so.
Unfortunately, the pictures aren't great, but you can see what he looks like.
Who has an idea of what these birds are?
It's pretty clear that the second bird is a wild turkey, judging by your pictures and the description of the sounds it was making. BUT the green birds are most likely feral parrots, probably escaped from petstores/owners, like you said. Look at brooklynparrots.com - a site about the many flocks of feral parrots that inhabit my humble borough. - Donny